Nurturing Strength through Adversity
How Our Challenges Are Opportunities For Growth
Being in Southern California, it is not typical that we would experience a storm in the middle of summer. This past weekend, we were warned about the first tropical storm to land in our area since 1939. Thankfully, our neighborhood was not impacted, but I do pray for those that were. Having a rainy day gave me a reason to stay indoors, slow down and rest. As I watched the rain pour and wind blow against the trees, I wondered, how do those trees stay standing?
A few years ago, we had strong wind and rain that uprooted and knocked down numerous trees. Due to seasons of drought, the roots became extremely weak that they could no longer hold the weight of the tree. To withstand stronger storms, trees must endure challenging weather. If they are not healthy and strong, they will topple over when the next storm hits.
Storms deepen and strengthen roots.
Have you seen those tall beach palms that look like they can snap against the wind? Their trunks are so flexible that they can bend without breaking. Over time, trees adapt and can survive the harshest storms. While winds push against them, their root systems grow deeper and stronger as the tree grows higher.
This taught me an important lesson: strength is nurtured through adversity. Similar to trees, our trials are necessary for our growth. In fact, it is required for our soul. The virtue that strengthens the mind amidst adversity is fortitude.
Fortitude is the moral virtue that ensures firmness in difficulties and constancy in the pursuit of the good. It strengthens the resolve to resist temptations and to overcome obstacles in the moral life. The virtue of fortitude enables one to conquer fear, even fear of death, and to face trials and persecutions. It disposes one even to renounce and sacrifice his life in defense of a just cause. "The Lord is my strength and my song."(Ps 118:14) "In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."(Jn 16:33)
Catechism of the Catholic Church #1808
Fortitude gives us courage to pursue the good and go through our battles without fear. Most importantly, fortitude requires trust in God. We must be deeply rooted in God so that no force against us can break us. When the storms of life comes our way, we will not fear because through God’s grace we will stand tall.