What is True Success?

I remember sitting in a job interview when I was asked, “What does success mean to you?” The question hung in the air, and while I don’t recall exactly how I answered, I distinctly remember feeling like I had no clue. I didn’t have a real answer—not one that truly resonated with me, anyway.

That moment stayed with me, revealing something deeper. It made me question what I was truly striving for. Was success just about hitting milestones, earning promotions, or climbing the ladder? Or was there something more, something truer, that I was missing?

A Different Perspective on Success

In her diary, St. Faustina once asked Jesus about her confessor when she saw interiorly how much he was to suffer: “I saw that God Himself seemed to be opposing [him], and I asked the Lord why He was acting in this way toward him, as though He were placing obstacles in the way of his doing what He Himself had asked him to do.” You might ask yourself, why would God allow this man to continue suffering when he was doing what God wanted? This is Jesus’ response to St. Faustina: “I am acting thus with him to give testimony that this work is Mine. Tell him not to fear anything; My gaze is on him day and night. There will be as many crowns to form his crown as there will be souls saved by this work. It is not for the success of a work, but for the suffering that I give reward.” Wow. The real crown, in this case, is enduring the suffering, and the real success is in saving souls.

The world’s definition of success isn’t always aligned with God’s. Jesus invites us to see success through His eyes, where it’s not measured by our achievements, honors, or the recognition we receive. Instead, true success lies in glorifying God through our works and suffering.

Multiplying Our Talents for God's Glory

St. Irenaeus beautifully stated, "The glory of God is man fully alive." We are each given unique talents and gifts, and the good measure of success is how we use them for God’s glory. It’s about multiplying what God has entrusted to us—not to elevate ourselves, but to reflect His goodness and love in the world.

Success, in its truest form, is about letting our light shine so that others may see the good we do and give glory to our Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16). It’s not about outdoing others or climbing over them to reach the top. There’s no ladder to climb in God’s Kingdom—just a call to be who He made us to be, fully and freely.

Living Out Our Purpose

In the end, success is about living out how God made you to your fullest, according to the purpose He has given you. It’s about being faithful in the little things, in the hidden moments, and trusting that God sees and values your efforts, even when they go unnoticed by others.

So, if you’re ever asked what success means to you, consider this: Success is not about consistently winning at life. True success is about being courageous, seeing hope and having faith even when we lose. It is about goodwill, living out your God-given purpose, taking up your cross, multiplying your talents, and letting your life be a beacon of God’s glory. It's about being fully alive and bringing souls back to Christ. After all, we know that our ultimate success is being with God in heaven.

“O my Jesus, You do not give a reward for the successful performance of a work, but for the good will and the labor undertaken. Therefore, I am completely at peace, even if all my undertakings and efforts should be thwarted or should come to naught. If I do all that is in my power, the rest is not my business. And therefore the greatest storms do not disturb the depths of my peace; the will of God dwells in my conscience.”

St. Faustina

question to ponder

How does your idea of success align with God’s purpose for your life?

Coaching Testimonial:

“Roxsan is definitely a beautiful soul to walk with on my own journey to personal discovery and wholeness. Over the past several months, she has helped me identify areas in my life that require stretching, while gently challenging me to reflect on the barriers to growth and healing. Roxsan’s approach is inspiring me to communicate not only with myself but also with my family as we navigate through life together, making tough decisions and moving towards a healthier mindset and lifestyle. I’m so grateful for her work, and I know so many others will benefit because of her commitment to honor each person’s identity as a child of God.”

Roxsan de Vera

Roxsan de Vera is the owner and founder of Meek & Humble. She is also an ICF-trained Life Coach through the Professional Christian Coaching Institute and a graduate of Encounter School of Ministries. Her coaching work began with helping entrepreneurs, professionals and lay leaders. As a coach, her passion is to help others toward an abundant life with God. What she offers is a reflection of her journey with Christ and her vision to see people fully alive and bear fruit unimaginable.


Finding Our True Self


Do You Have It All Together?