Book Reflection: Into His Likeness Ch.3&4
“Though the word disciple (mathetes) means “learner,” a Jewish disciple gained more from his rabbi than just book knowledge. Discipleship was more of an apprenticeship —an immersion into the rabbi’s whole way of life.”
Edward Sri, Into His Likeness
In the past weeks, I have been reflecting a lot on how to live as a true disciple of Christ, which is the best choice we can make but isn't the easiest to do. We're quickly tested spiritually, emotionally, and mentally in our homes, on the road, at work, and within ourselves, which can derail us from the path of virtue.
Luke 6:40 says, "Everyone when he is fully taught will be like his teacher." Discipleship is about becoming more like Jesus, seeing as He sees and doing as He does. Being Catholic, therefore, is more than just acquiring knowledge and following rules; it's about truly imitating Jesus in our daily lives.
It can be a real struggle to be a true disciple of Jesus. It challenges us to confront our fears, surrender control, and embrace change as we strive to root out bad habits and sins to become more like Christ. It prompts us to question whether we settle for comfort or strive for greatness in our spiritual lives. It calls us to grow in virtue, care for our brothers and sisters in Christ through acts of service, and ultimately, to imitate the heart of Christ.
As we continue forward, join me in pondering what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in our own lives. Let's consider how we can deepen our relationship with Him, imitate His life, and strive for greatness as followers of Christ.
Part 1: Be My Disciple | Chapter 3: In the Dust of the Rabbi
How does the idea of discipleship as an apprenticeship, an imitation of the Master, change the way you view your life as a Christian? What is most inspiring about it? What is most intimidating?
What is one aspect of Christ’s life you’d like to imitate more in your life now? What can you do practically this week to live more like Christ in this area?
Part 1: Be My Disciple | Chapter 4: The Struggle
What’s the difference between a Christian who follows all the rules and one who lives as a disciple? How do you tend to view your life as a Christian—more oriented toward rule-following or discipleship? What can you do to live more on the discipleship end of this spectrum?
We all have weaknesses. But how much are you earnestly striving to overcome your weaknesses and live more like Christ? Is there an area of your life right now that you know needs improvement, but you haven’t put enough effort into that spiritual battle? What’s something you can do this week to give God your best in this struggle?
Into His Likeness provides an approachable but in-depth exploration of how to live as a disciple and experience the transformation Jesus wants to work in our lives. We might desire to live more like Christ, but we know we fall short. This book simply helps us follow those initial promptings of the Holy Spirit, so that we may more intentionally encounter Jesus anew each day and be more disposed to his grace changing us ever more into his likeness.
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