Book Reflection: Into His Likeness Ch.1&2
Take, Lord, receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, my whole will, all that I have and all that I possess. You gave it all to me, Lord; I give it all back to you. Do with it as you will, according to your good pleasure. Give me your love and your grace; for with this I have all that I need.
Prayer of St. Ignatius
“Follow me.” Do you have a sense that God is calling you to something more? Where is God calling you to make some changes in your life? Where do you experience God’s little nudges? If Jesus knocks on your door, will you let Him in?
You might think the call isn’t for you or that you have to be at a certain level or place in your life to be able to say "Yes," but God wants you exactly where you are. In the past, I honestly thought I had to be qualified before I could really do what God wanted me to do. It required the renewal of my mind and a renewed relationship and view of God to realize that I was made for more.
Even if we already know this and Jesus is a part of our lives, we still have to assess how we are living. Are we true followers, or do we just like the idea of Jesus? God doesn’t just want a portion of us; He wants every part, and He wants to be number one. Are we able to give our entire lives to Him? Are we willing to surrender and give up control?
The thing is, happiness will be very hard to find apart from God because He is the true source of happiness. But we have to be willing to make a total commitment, surrendering our lives to Him without holding back. When we think about all the pursuits we make in our lives, whether it is working toward a successful career, financial stability, or having nice things and going to beautiful places—which are not bad things—they can distract us from true eternal happiness. How do we keep ourselves centered on Christ and make Him a part of everything we do in this life? We must ask for the grace to do so.
When we learn to surrender to God, we will find fullness of life. We aren’t holding on to anything temporary but true and lasting joy. There is a peace in living for Christ and becoming a gift to others.
In Into His Likeness: Be Transformed as a Disciple of Christ by Edward Sri, he says, “Being a disciple of Jesus is not merely going through the motions with our faith—attending Mass, saying some prayers, and avoiding bad things. Following Jesus as a disciple is a whole way of life—His way of life transforming us, His agape love radiating through our lesser philia (friendship) love.” Though the sacraments are essential to maintaining a relationship with God, it encompasses more than receiving the Eucharist; it involves being transformed and becoming a gift of love to others, just like Jesus.
Part 1: Be My Disciple | Chapter 1: Follow Me
As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the customs post. He said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up and followed him.
Matthew 9:9
Put yourself in the scene where Jesus calls St. Matthew. If Jesus walked into the room and pointed to you, saying, “Follow me,” what would you be thinking? How would you respond to his call?
In that moment, St. Matthew was probably tempted to cling to his money bag. What keeps you from following Christ more fully? What “money bags” might Jesus be asking you to let go of?
Part 1: Be My Disciple | Chapter 2: Total Commitment
Which of the following best describes your relationship with Jesus?
Jesus is on the outside of my life. Not important to me at all.
Jesus is a part of my life. Important, but honestly just one of many things.
Jesus is at the very center of my life. The most important part and motivation for all I do.
Do you want a closer friendship with Christ? If so, what would it take to have him more at the center?
Consider the “Take, Lord, and Receive…” prayer from St. Ignatius of Loyola. What part of this prayer of surrender is most challenging for you? Why? Ask Jesus for the grace to help you sincerely desire what this prayer expresses.
Into His Likeness provides an approachable but in-depth exploration of how to live as a disciple and experience the transformation Jesus wants to work in our lives. We might desire to live more like Christ, but we know we fall short. This book simply helps us follow those initial promptings of the Holy Spirit, so that we may more intentionally encounter Jesus anew each day and be more disposed to his grace changing us ever more into his likeness.
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