Book Reflection: Into His Likeness Ch.7&8
“Conversion is always the fruit of rediscovering the Father.”
Pope St. John Paul II, encyclical letter Dives in misericordia
We often understand intellectually that God loves us, but do we truly believe it in our hearts? Sometimes, we may feel that we need to perform well or achieve certain things to earn God's love and find meaning in life. However, the reality is quite different.
God loves us just as we are, with all our weaknesses and imperfections. His love is not based on our actions, the quantity of our prayers, or our efforts to be good Catholics. It is rooted in our identity as His beloved children. While we are called to live holy lives, this calling is meaningless unless we understand the truth of who we are and how God perceives us. Love is not something we earn; it is a gift we receive. All we need to do is approach God with humility and offer ourselves as a gift in return.
Jesus came not to condemn or punish, but to love and forgive. He offers us the chance to start anew, regardless of our past mistakes or feelings of shame. God's mercy is boundless, and He desires to remove anything that separates us from Him. We only need to be still and turn to Him with open hearts.
Today, we’ll ponder the stories of the prodigal son and the woman caught in adultery and how God shows His unconditional love for us.
Part 2: The Encounter | Chapter 7: Drunk with Love
Put yourself in the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). Do you tend to see yourself as the son saw himself (“I’m not worthy to be called your son”) Or more as the father sees him–as a beloved son?
What line from St. Teresa of Calcutta’s letter strikes you and applies to your life most? What do you think God is trying to tell you through that line?
“I worry some of you still have not really met Jesus — one to one — you and Jesus alone. We may spend time in chapel — but have you seen with the eyes of your soul how He looks at you with love? Do you really know the living Jesus — not from books but from being with Him in your heart? Have you heard the loving words He speaks to you?
Ask for the grace, He is longing to give it . . . Never give up this daily intimate contact with Jesus as the real living person—not just the idea.
Be careful of all that can block that personal contact with the living Jesus. The devil may try to use the hurts of life, and sometimes our own mistakes — to make you feel it is impossible that Jesus really loves you, is really clinging to you. This is a danger for all of us. And so sad, because it is completely opposite of what Jesus is really wanting, waiting to tell you.
Not only that He loves you, but even more — He longs for you. He misses you when you don’t come close. He thirsts for you. He loves you always, even when you don’t feel worthy. When not accepted by others, even by yourself sometimes — He is the one who always accepts you.
My children, you don’t have to be different for Jesus to love you. Only believe — You are precious to Him. Bring all you are suffering to His feet — only open your heart to be loved by Him as your are. He will do the rest.”
The “Varanasi Letter” written by Mother Teresa
Part 2: The Encounter | Chapter 8: Forgiven
Put yourself in the story of the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11). Imagine your sin being exposed but Jesus looking at you with love, saying, “Neither do I condemn you.” How would that make you feel? How might that change the way you view yourself before God?
Mercy and truth go together. That’s why Jesus also tells the woman, “God and sin no more.” Imagine Jesus looking at you square in the eye and saying those words to you. What sin of yours do you think Jesus would be referring to the most? How might his words strengthen your resolve to avoid this sin in the future?
Into His Likeness provides an approachable but in-depth exploration of how to live as a disciple and experience the transformation Jesus wants to work in our lives. We might desire to live more like Christ, but we know we fall short. This book simply helps us follow those initial promptings of the Holy Spirit, so that we may more intentionally encounter Jesus anew each day and be more disposed to his grace changing us ever more into his likeness.
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