Book Reflection: Abide Ch. 10

“Jesus, this is so painful, but I choose to trust you.”

“My situation doesn’t always change, but when I open my heart to Him, His presence, and His voice, my perspective changes.”

Heather Khym

Chapter 10: Signs of Glory

It can be hard at times when we pray so much for something to change or for healing to happen, but it feels like God doesn’t answer. God wants us to ask Him anyway. It might not always be answered the way we thought it would be, but God always gives what is best for His children. Most importantly, He wants us to trust Him.

The real goal of healing is not for the healing itself but for relationship and full transformation. God wants us to be transformed into His glory. When we are transformed and healed, we will be able to heal others through God.

God is not only to be talked about but to be experienced and encountered through us by others. Restoration power begins with us. If we want to see a church alive, we must do our own interior work. As Heather Khym says, “restored people, restore people." We must ask God to work in our lives and help us surrender to His will so we can experience the abundant life He calls us to. As we are transformed, we will begin to notice that others around us will experience freedom in Christ with us.


What are some signs of glory, places where you have personally experience Christ and His love, in your life?

Who might Christ be calling you to disciple?


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Roxsan de Vera

Roxsan de Vera is the owner and founder of Meek & Humble. She is also an ICF-trained Life Coach through the Professional Christian Coaching Institute and a graduate of Encounter School of Ministries. Her coaching work began with helping entrepreneurs, professionals and lay leaders. As a coach, her passion is to help others toward an abundant life with God. What she offers is a reflection of her journey with Christ and her vision to see people fully alive and bear fruit unimaginable.


Freedom in Rest


Book Reflection: Abide Ch. 9